November 27, 2024
From left to right: Jono Sampson, Dr. Richard Wong She, Dr. Paul Baker, Dr. Francois Stapelberg, Dr. Anil Joshi and Casey Drum.
Thanks to Dr. Anil Joshi, Jono Sampson and the rest of the education team we welcomed onto base three specialists from the National Burns Centre in Middlemore Hospital, to talk about the assessment, management and transport of patients with burns. Dr Francois Stapelberg - Anaesthetist, President of Australia and NZ Burns Association, Dr Richard Wong She - Plastic and Burns Surgeon and Chair for Emergency Management of Severe Burns Course, and Dr Paul Baker - Clinical Lead for Burns at the National Burns Centre of New Zealand.
All delivered an engaging and interactive teaching session bespoke to the unique environment that our clinicians operate in. We had 20 people in attendance in person, and another 30 online from multiple aeromedical services across the country. They provided valuable take-away points with regards to both pre-hospital and inter-hospital transfer of our burns patients. It was a unique opportunity, and we all got immense value from the session.