
Pippa Pops In

Young Pippa has had more than her fair share of struggles in life. Pippa and her fraternal twin sister, Eleanor, were born prematurely requiring time in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Sadly, up until her first birthday, with ongoing complications, Pippa would spend more time on ward at Starship Children’s Hospital than she would at home.

Family holidays to remote locations were out of the question for Pippa and her family, which included mum Tracey, dad Charles and big sister Phoebe with trips being planned around proximity to local hospitals. Thankfully, the services of a rescue helicopter haven’t yet been necessary.

Facing a number of complex medical disorders, largely affecting her respiratory and digestive system, Pippa, now seven, also has cerebral palsy and suffers from severe food allergies, extreme fatigue and chronic pain.

One thing that has made a huge and positive difference for Pippa however is being able to see the rescue helicopters from her hospital bed. In fact, one of Pippa’s first words, from the window of her ward at Starship, was “copper-copper” as she watched the helicopters land and take off. With its bright red and yellow colours visible from the distance, the Westpac Rescue Helicopter is always Pippa’s favourite.

It was love at first sight. Pippa has been “obsessed” with helicopters ever since, Tracey tells us. She can be seen regularly waving from Starship’s windows or outside as she looks up to see which direction the helicopter is heading.

One day Pippa, hopes to become a helicopter pilot and an engineer. She likes how they rescue people and, if she’s ever stuck on an island, she would like to know how to fix her own helicopter too! Her other reason, she just loves helicopters. (We understand where she’s coming from. We do too).

When Pippa asked if she could come see the helicopters up close, how could the team say, “No?”

Just yesterday, Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter crew were delighted to welcome Pippa, Tracey and grandad Tony to Ardmore base.

For the trio, it was a welcome break from trips to multiple specialists.  

Shy at first, Pippa gained enough courage to sit in the AW-169 helicopter with Pilot Paul while it was wheeled out onto the tarmac for our next lottery shoot. She even had a few jokes up her sleeve!

Did she love her time with us? She sure did. The best part? “It was all so great,” she says. The massive grin and the big thumbs up said it all.  

We certainly enjoyed our time with you Pippa and will continue to keep an eye out for you.